Steven Abernathy
Based in Nashville, TN, Greenwood Honey Company manages around 50 beehives on residential and commercial properties, spearheaded by the dynamic duo, Steven Abernathy and Claire Papevies. Steven, a nationally acclaimed abstract artist, and Claire, with over a decade in TV / film camera work, have combined their talents to create a unique brand with their passion for beekeeping that not only produces exquisite honey, but also tells a visual story through Steven’s artwork on honey bottles. They prioritize establishing trust between producers and consumers, emphasizing the importance of transparency in verifying the worth and pricing of honey in today’s market.
Claire and Steven are on a mission to educate people about honeybees and elevate the market value of honey. They believe that the current market, flooded with imported and adulterated honey, undervalues the hard work of beekeepers and the delicate nature of honey. Their goal is to showcase the unique properties of honey and allow consumers to experience its true taste and quality.
At Hive Life Conference, Claire and Steven will share insights into the importance of building a brand that represents you and that not only stands out but also helps consumers understand the honesty in the product being delivered. They will discuss strategies to educate consumers about honey properties, emphasize the value of local beekeepers, and inspire others to view honey as the delicacy it truly is.