Rick Sutton
Starting with 2 hives in 1977 while in college his goal was to have 10. By 1982 he had 45 and hit the 100 mark in 1987 just before Varroa. His life long dream since he was 6 yrs old was to be a Professional Auctioneer which he accomlished selling everthing from cattle to tobacco to estates to real estate. However with the internet changing the business he increased his hives to 350 in 2004 then realizing a full semi load was more economical increased to 500 in 2006. In 2010 his son was wanting off the railroad and the plan as to purchase 100 to start at a auction. Hives were going cheap so he kept buying. When he added up the total he was at 714. His son gave his two week notice and the hive count was over 1,200.
Always involved in bee associations at all levels Rick has served as treasurer and president of Kentucky Beekeepers, board of directors of ABF and 2 terms on ABF executive board. He was one of several beekeepers who met in Denver Colorado in August 1986 to start the National Honey Board. He won many awards in honey shows before retiring fr9m showing including 4 best of shows at Ametcan honey show, 56 blue ribbons and 12 sweepstakes at Ky Stare Fair. He serves as a judge at the American Honey show along with Hive Alive show. He has pollinated Almonds in Ca, Cranberries in Wi and blueberries in Fl along with orchards in Ky. Now he concentrates on honey production in Ky, Ga and Florida along with supplying several hundred nucs to beeks yearly and raising his queens. He and his wife bottle most of their honey.