John Benham
John Benham has been a full-time beekeeper for over 20 years, operating 40+ colonies in three apiaries and a breeder of quality local queens and bees from local survivor stock for 17 years.
He is an Eastern Apiculture Society Certified Master Beekeeper, Life Member of EAS, 2019 President of HAS, President of the Mammoth Cave Area Beekeepers 2017 to present, a current member of the Nashville Area Beekeepers Association, and monthly columnist for the NABA newsletter as well as a past member, President/officer of state and local associations since 2004.
He shares his knowledge and love for the bees as a mentor, speaker, instructor, volunteer, and organizer at state, local, regional, and national associations as well as various bee schools, libraries, garden clubs, and educational events in Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois, Kansas, Pennsylvania, and Indiana.
He is the owner/operator of Pure Barren River Honey winning blue ribbons at the local and state level and has an average production of 100+ pounds of honey per colony with his wild-caught survivor stock bees.
John was a keynote speaker at the EAS 2021 conference and has recently been awarded a continuous complimentary membership by the Kentucky Queen Bee Breeders Association of which he is serving in an advisory capacity. John strives to continuously advance his beekeeping skills and knowledge having recently received training in Instrumental Insemination of honey bee queens.