Curtis Simpson


In 2013, Curtis Simpson and his wife Tiphani of Beech Grove, chose to change gears from building transmissions and turn his hobby of beekeeping into a family business.

"I came home from work one day, and I told my wife, 'I think I want to make this a business and quit my job,' ",  “and she said 'You've lost your mind.' "

Curtis Simpson got into beekeeping by accident when he ended up with some beekeeping equipment and decided to put out a couple of colonies.

The business started with two hives and eventually grew to 700 by 2019.

Today, Ranger Bees is a family business that runs around 1,800 hives.

Beside making bee sales and selling their own honey, the business makes profit from pollinating crops. From almonds in California, to cantaloupe, pumpkins, watermelons and more in places ranging from California, to Mississippi Curtis Simpson said a lot of travel is involved in the field.

The family of four recently celebrated Ranger Bees' 10-year anniversary 

For Curtis Simpson, it's gone by quickly and he gives the glory to God for keeping the business going.

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