Cassie Gibeau
Cassie Gibeau is an owner at Honeybee Centre in Surrey, BC, Canada, who is responsible for overseeing Education, Outreach and Events. She has been educating kids (and adults) on the importance of bee’s and our environment for the past 7 years. Cassie is one of the growing number of women who recognize that we need to design a succession plan for beekeeping both locally and globally to evolve its role in food security, sustainability and our climate.
Born and raised in BC, Canada with a teacher as a mother, an outdoor loving father, and a life-long love of bugs and dirt, Cassie originally pursued an Early Childhood career until she married into a beekeeping family. Cassie is passionate about leaving a healthy world behind for generations to come. She wants to educate and share this passion with others and believes that bugs and bees play a role in helping us achieve this goal. Come meet Cassie and join her in creating a sweeter future.